While Mom was here, we decided to visit the Portland Temple grounds. We had been talking about taking the kids again, and with her here, it was the perfect opportunity. It's amazing how peaceful the grounds are with a major freeway right next to it. We all really enjoyed walking the grounds and made it back to the car just as it started to rain. (True Oregon fashion. :)
I can remember visiting the Oakland Temple as a child and the fountain (and the roof garden) were my favorite things there. My kids are the same way...water water water.
Our family of FIVE!
The fountain. So beautiful!
Jemma and Carter.
Jemma & Carter

On the way home, we sang the primary song, "I love to see the Temple".
"I love to see the temple. I'm going there someday to feel the Holy Spirit, to listen and to pray. For the temple is the house of God, a place of love and beauty. I'll prepare myself while I am young. This is my sacred duty.
I love to see the temple. I'll go inside someday. I'll covenant with my Father. I'll promise to obey. For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God I've learned this truth, a family is forever."
How grateful I am for my knowledge of temples and of their significance as it pertains to eternal families. How blessed I feel to live so close to one of these sacred edifices and to be sealed to my own sweet heart and children.
Sounds like a good thing to do with Nona. Cute pictures. Our primary recently did a tour of the temple grounds for a primary activity and something I learned is that every temple has a water feature on the grounds because it symbolizes Christ, the Living Water. Cool, huh?
I assume Mom is home now--how are you surviving with her gone? Three was a little overwhelming for me, I remember.
That is such a cool thing! That makes me love the water features even more!
Mom left this afternoon...Jemma and I cried...A lot. I'm a bit nervous to be without her. We'll have to adjust though. I'm sure you can't wait for her to be there next month for your new addition!
Congrats on baby number 3! Can't believe how fast time flies...you have such a beautiful family and I forgot you guys are in Portland! Aaron's dad is in Vancouver. We love the Portland temple too...where we were sealed...Great to see you! (Even if just through blogs)
Hey Jen! So I would have posted a comment sooner but we've been without our lap-top for a good two and half weeks(it broke on us). N-e-ways I've been dying to tell you that I think Gavin is so adorable and that I'm so glad that everything went smoothly for you. Hope your recovering nicely and congrats again!! Love you Lots!!
Your incredible mom of 5. Already going on outings and breathing in the fresh air of post pregnancy. I think I stay in the house for one year in my jammies. So WAY TO GO.
Congratulations on little Gavin!! What a doll! How is it now being a mom of 3? I've just got the one and think my life is soooo busy.
Isn't the Portland temple so pretty?
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