Sunday, June 5, 2011


I fell in love with the clover fields our first spring in Oregon when we were driving to and from Stake Conference. The color against the green landscape is breathtaking. It rivals the tulip festival for me...that is the absolute truth. So, when I noticed the fuchsia blossoms starting to appear, I knew I had to get some pictures out there...(again) especially since this is our last spring in this incredibly beautiful part of the country. Well, today was Stake appropriate and convenient! Brandon agreed to a brief stop after, if the kids (especially Gavin) look a bit ruffled, wrinkley, or tired, it's because they just sat through 2 hours of church and the littlest one missed his morning nap.

So, here a many more pics of Gavin because I have been meaning to take his 12 month pics, and well, this was as good a time as any, minus the messy shirt and flood pants...oh well. At least he's smiling and adorable and these pictures just make me want to freeze time and keep him this small and sweet forever!

Tracy, that chair you gave me is coming in really handy! :) I might not even do anything to it. Do you want it back? (I hope not.)

This one is probably my favorite...I just love candid shots...and besides that, just look at those little toes, the chubby fingers wrapped around the clover blossom and his practically bald head. A-dor-a-ble.

I am going to miss this place.


-tracy said...

so cute. the kids all look so sweet. and gavin is the cutest thing ever.
i took my kids out there to the clover fields this last week as well...i am just waiting for my prints to show up.
i love the bright yellow hill up past banks as well...i am wanting to drive up there and take a look.
and i'm so glad you're using the chair...i FOR SURE do not want it back.
ps: there is a cute little bridge that lisa told me about and she got some great pictures of beckham on case you need a new place for next time.

Sharee Gariety said...

Darling pictures, Jen! That was very prepared of you to bring a chair out there. :) what a cute idea. And I think your kids look pretty unscathed for just having sat through Stake Conference!

Kristina said...

BEAUTIFUL! I missed those clover fields. By the time I went to take pictures last year they had turned into ugly brown weeds. Do you have any idea how cute your kids are?

Eric and Jewels said...

Wow Jen you have got some serious talent with the camera! Maybe at Christmas time you could take a few family pics for me and Eric?! All of your kids are adorable and Gavin has grown so much its crazy! Love the little white chair and the amazing color of those clover blossoms. And yes you should visit Albuquerque...Eric and I are moving to Sharee and Arthur's rental sometime in July so there'd be plenty of room for you guys at our place or Sharee's. Love you lots!

The Schneiders said...

Oh my gosh! These pictures are adorable. The addition of the white chair was brillant!!!

Mitch n' Molly said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these pictures! Almost as much as I love you! I did get your message, i have just been running around crazy, I will call you back soon I promise! You don't even know what a blessing you are to me Jen! I LOVED learning from you, and I would give my right arm to sew with you and let our kids play/fight together once more! YOU ARE AWESOME!

Melanie said...

Oh my goodness... Love, love, LOVE!! So cute.

Travis and Heather said...

I miss miss miss being able to pull over to the side of a road and have a photo session 5 minutes from home. Hate to say it....yup...I have to. It's fugly here all but 3 months out of the year. That's why we bought our indoor equiptment. So so sad. Pick a daggum clover for me.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Gavin is so grown up! Especially in that picture three from the bottom! So cute!!!