Monday, April 25, 2011

Woodburn Tulip Festival

We finally made it to the Woodburn Tulip Festival this year, and let me tell you, it was worth every minute of anticipation. If you haven't been, GO!!! I could have walked around for hours and taken 500 more pictures if I hadn't been wearing heals and if I didn't have 3 hungry kids and an even hungrier husband in tow. ;)

We went with our good friends, and next door neighbors, the Skinner family. We have been planning for the last year to go together; 1st to enjoy each others company (of course!) and 2nd so we could both get a family picture.

So, pardon the gazillion photos that follow...if you're not that interested, check out now, cuz if you make it to the end, you're gonna see me and Brandon kissing. AHHH!

That apricot colored tulip was my favorite!

It was such a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. (Good for an outdoor excursion in Oregon, not so hot for photography purposes, but I think we still got some good stuff.)

Is that not incredible!?! And this was just one side. I was standing in the middle (approximately) so the other side of me stretched out just as far. AMAZING!

We never did get a very good shot of Gavin. He was so intrigued by the tulips that he rarely looked at anything else...I hope tulips aren't toxic, cuz he got more than a nibbles worth...guess we would know by now, eh.

Cute kids!

I love that one of Carter! (I told him before we came that smiling big would get us a dinner at McDonald's...and grumpy faces would send us home for sandwiches...bribery is a good thing. :)

We had a fabulous much fun, in fact, we're going back tomorrow night for Family Night! Just kidding, but I do hope we can squeeze it in again next year before we say goodbye to Oregon.


Sharee Gariety said...

OH MY GOSH! Those pictures are incredible! I love all the bright colors! Tulips--definitely one of my favorite flowers, and that apricot color is gorgeous. You all look so great in your pictures. The kids are darling and you and Brandon are still the "cutest couple!" Love you guys so much.

Kristina said...

I love ALL of your pictures! They turned out fantastic. I especially love the shot of the kids knealing in the flowers, with Carter clutching the tulip.... ADORABLE, and Gavin looks so grown up! You have a picture perfect family. And your outfits coordinated so well with the flowers. Thanks for going with us, it was fun. For a second I believed that you were going down again tonight. I thought you were crazy. If it weren't so far away, I would go weekly!

Valerie said...

your family is absolutely DARLING!!!!

MarshandKrissy said...

Your family is so adorable!!! I love the pictures and all the colrs! ADORABLE!!!

Travis and Heather said...

Amen. I miss them. Beautiful tulips. How do you muster enough energy to take such gorgeous family pictures. I feel exhausted just by the time we get to the spot to take pictures. Then we have to take them. It kinda sucks, I am not going to lie. You know where liar's go. To Walmart. Sorry, I just got back from Walmart.

Melanie said...
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Melanie said...

AH! Jen I LOVE it! all these pictures are so great! Your family is the cutest!
I just love and miss you guys a ton!