Me and the kids planned a trip to California during the week before and the week of Brandon's board exam. He wasn't going to be around to spend much time with us and we all get a little cranky cooped up in our little apartment without him...
There was NO way I was going to drive 13 hours by myself...especially after the way the drive went over Christmas break. So, we booked our flights and I had nightmares for weeks beforehand over traveling alone with 3 children (mostly over Carter and Gavin...) But, when it was all said and done, the kids did GREAT and people were so nice to us. I even had a lady come up to me before we boarded the plane and say how impressed she was with my well-behaved children (beaming:), but that if I needed any help, she would gladly sit by me. How sweet! Fortunately, I didn't require any assistance.
Here are some pics of them before we boarded and on the plane.
Gavin's little nap made the flight heavenly!
We got to go out and see the property that Brandon's parent's just purchased...they have been working SOOO hard out there! And Carter was happy to be out in the orchard mimicking his Papa Ben.
Aunt Mel is always full of crazy fun and did some interesting make-up for the kids so they could do a little photo shoot.
We went to feed the ducks with my mom one afternoon...unfortunately there were more seagulls and geese than ducks, but we had fun nonetheless.

We played at the park while we were there too.
This swing was AwEsOmE!
We spent an afternoon with Brandon's step mom on her day off and ended up at a park nearby. The sunshine was WONDERFUL and we are missing it a whole darn lot now that we're back.
Jemma and Grandma Debbie.
Carter giving Gavin an "under-dog".
Gavin lovin' it!
Jemma givin' him a push.
Back out at Brandon's parent's home...they have these little tractors now that the kids LOVE!
Jemma and cousin Trey.
Trey givin' Carter a ride. This was ADORABLE!
This may appear to be a random photo, but it was the only one I took that day...and I don't want to forget it.
My mom took us to a cute little tulip farm out in Modesto and when we pulled up, Carter spotted this little dandy. He really wanted to ride on it, but unfortunately, a pic with it was all I could offer. He looks so teeny next to it!
Nona (my mom) with the kids.
Jemma...I couldn't get Carter to stick his face in the one next to Jemma...stubborn little guy.
I told the kids to choose their favorite color tulip and I would take their picture with them...Jemma, obviously chose pink, and Carter was off running through the mud toward the cows before I could snap one of him...noticing a trend?
Checkin' out the geese on the pond. There was one lone duckling out there...I think Carter's head is covering it in this photo...but anyway, it was adorable.
Debbie and I were trying to get a picture of all three kids. Gavin was happy and smiling initially, but then he got interested in the grass.
Carter was smiling for us,
but Jemma was ticked that we made her come off the playground or something like that so she was mostly scowling at the camera.
This is the best shot I got because Jemma is looking away and Gavin doesn't have the grass in his mouth.
My Grandpa Stone has composed A LOT of music and one of my amazing cousins is making sure it all gets recorded.
So one of the Saturdays I was out there, I got to be part of this whole experience. I sang a trio with my mom and sister Melanie for one number and then got to do a few of his fun group numbers.
The picture is my dad at the piano and Grandpa Stone giving us singing instructions.
Visiting with Granddad Mike, Uncle Austin and Aunt Heather,
McDonalds with Great Grandma Nawatha, Great Papa Frank and Great Aunt Sheryl,
painting a bedroom wall dusty blue and a laundry room hydrangea green,
helping brother Reed build a shelving unit for music storage in my parent's living room, (I used a miter saw for the first time...very cool! Thanks Reed for letting me help a bit! Can't wait for you to come build me some stuff!!!),
game playing (mostly memory with the kids, and a little Sabatour...very fun card game!),
dancing & pizza with the Zamaroni's and Soiseth's,
pizza with the Reed's, Yoder's and Fretwell's,
movie watching,
scooter riding,
frisbee throwing,
attending Melanie's Joseph Smith tribute performance with the YSA in Modesto,
and... (drum roll)...
registering Jemma for kindergarten (she'll start in Cali during Brandon's 2nd rotation).
Too fun!
We always love visiting family, but next time, hopefully Brandon can join us cuz we
Such cute pictures!! I love it!
Oh my goodness, I love those tulip pics! How pretty! Glad you guys had such a fun time out there, and that Brandon's boards are finally over!
Jen you're really good at taking pictures, they're all so fun! I'm super glad the kids were good for you on your flight out, I don't think I'd have the guts, so I'm giving you two thumbs up. And how cool that you got to be apart of getting Grandpa's music recorded!! N-e-ways glad your trip was fun, love you guys lots!!
I love love love the picture of Jemma with her arm over Carter.... LOVE! Your trip sounded so much fun! can I come next time? You guys sure jam-packed yourself with activities. I still feel like you're gone... we need to get together pronto and catch up!
That was so smart to leave town when you did! It was miserable to be without a husband for so long. Next time, I'm going to leave during Boards. Oh wait! No more next time!!! sweeeet.
And I'm ubber impressed that you took the kids with you on the plane all by yourself. I need to get details from you on how it was done :)
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