This will be the last of my catch-up entries...I feel like such a slacker...still not even blogging current stuff. I guess I'm still kind of on vacation mode. Anyway...
I just wanted to highlight a few other things from our trip, like my brother Jacob becoming an Eagle Scout! (Gavin is in just a diaper because he decided to have a TOTAL POO BLOW-OUT right as we were headed out the I did not have an extra outfit, so he wore a shirt ((the only item of clothing he didn't manage to get poo on)) and a pair of his cousin Sydney's socks. Nice.) Congratulations Jacob! We're so glad we could be there for your Eagle Court of Honor!
Thank you Sharee for being so thoughtful! You are one AwEsOmE sister!
We also got to spend some time with my Grammy and Grandpa Stone. They had never met Gavin and the last time they saw Jemma and Carter was at least a year and half ago, maybe even 2. Anyway, it was REALLY good to just catch up and let the kids get to know them a bit more.
Later that evening, I wanted a picture of the kids with their great grandparents. Everyone was fairly cooperative, except Carter...he wouldn't be in the picture without one of his parents...
And even with me there, this is the best we ended up with. THANKS CARTER! (What a total 2 1/2 year old...)
cute pictures! I should have gotten a picture with Grammy and Grandpa and my kids--I totally spaced that one! Glad we could lend Gavin some socks. BTW, I keep calling Caleb, Gavin. My kids do too! Guess we have Gavin on the brain. :)
Man Gavin has beautiful eyes!! And I love how brave Jemma is on the tramp, those pictures of her doing crazy moves makes me smile :)
That picture with your grandparents and Carter's tongue proves it: Audrey and Carter were made for each other :)
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