Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reed Baby #3

Here we go again! For those who didn't know, we are expecting our third baby. Very exciting and a little overwhelming. I am 23 weeks along right now, and am just getting around to posting a pic from our ultrasound a couple weeks ago. (Sorry the pic is not so good. I had to take a picture of it since our scanner is no longer compatible with our newer computer...) And due to TrAdItIoN!
Brandon found out the gender of the baby and I, once again, did not. I'm a sucker for punishment I guess. :)


Cecily said...

Congratulationson #3! How exciting! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! :)

The Dixon Gang said...

Congrats on Baby #3! It will be challenging to actually be out of hands for children to hold but the blessings are so worth it :) Good luck to you guys and I hope things go well!

Sharee Gariety said...

Oh I can tell this next little one is gonna be a cutie!! I get my ultrasound on Feb. 23rd and I'm getting really excited. I don't know how Brandon keeps it a secret from you! I'd be bound to let it slip, I think.

Sara said...


April said...

Congrats! How exciting Randy and I are expecting baby #2

April Ashby (holloway)

Allison Harris said...

Yeah! How exciting! And I still can't believe you let him know after he told his Grandma that one time. Wasn't it his Grandma? I can't remember now but I do remember that was funny! :)

Megan said...

Congrats Jen! That's great news! I can't wait to find out what it is too. That's a good idea I might try that on the third, it keeps it so exciting. Chad couldn't ever do it but I've wanted a surprise. Best of wishes, we look forward to seeing you in May! In fact Chad may need a couch for a few nights if you're up for a visitor!

Lauren said...

That is so great! We are due right at the same time. I will be 23 weeks on Monday! Congrats you guys!

The Payne Family said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

The Aussie and the Owl said...

Wow! Congratulations Reeds!! What a wonderful little blessing. :)

Trisha said...

Congrats! That is so much fun. I am so impressed that he can keep it a secret from you.

Linzi said...

Congratulations! You guys make adorable babies ;)

Anonymous said...

congratulations Jenny! So exciting that the family is growing. More grandbabies for Loween and Ron, I bet they're super excited too. Sending best wishes your way.