Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jade & Taylor's Wedding

What a day October 4th was! Brandon and I were up at 5:30 am, in the car with both kids and lots of luggage by 7:00 am, in the air on our first flight with the kiddos at 10:15 am (what an adventure that was all by itself!!!) and in Turlock California at 3:00 pm. Just enough time to shower and get our family ready to attend Brandon's sister's wedding at 5:30pm!
Jade was a BEAUTIFUL bride! Jemma kept referring to her as "the princess". Can you blame her?
A shot of our family at the reception. Brandon's mom bought Carter this little tux...SO CUTE...but the little chunk was too big around the neck to button his top button so we had to fore go the bow tie.
Me and Brandon. Ya know, I couldn't help but reflect on my own marriage that night and let me tell you, I wouldn't trade my husband for the world! It's been a little over 4 WONDERFUL years and I just love him more every day. I am so grateful for him and all the depth and joy he brings to my life. I definitely scored when I said yes to him!!
Jemma couldn't wait to get out on that dance floor. Even before the music started, she was out there all by herself waiting and wanting so badly to GeT HeR GrOoVe On!!!
Jade and Taylor. (Sorry the quality of this photo is so poor.) We sure are happy for you guys and wish you the best of luck on this exciting journey!

1 comment:

Sharee Gariety said...

You guys all look so cute, and Jade really was gorgeous!