Friday, May 9, 2008

Oregon, Here the Reed's Come!

PACIFIC UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF OPTOMETRY...we are on our way!!! So, for those who are unfamiliar with this story...last fall, Brandon and I decided to switch from premed to preoptometry...we also decided to take a long shot at applying a year early, and to only ONE school. So, right before Brandon's interview at the ONE school we decided we were interested in this time around, we found out that the school had filled it's Fall 2008 class, but that they were still interviewing for their alternate list. With flights booked, hotel reservations, etc. in place, we decided he would interview anyway. It's been a month now since Brandon interviewed out at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, but today, we recieved a phone call from the head of admissions telling us that they had ranked their alternate list, Brandon was number ONE on the list and they were prepared to offer him a spot in their FALL 2008 class of Optometry students!!! Talk about unexpected! We are so excited, and I just want to say, BRANDON YOU ARE THE BOMB!!! (ha ha ha!)


mini-wheats said...

Congrats Reed family! We are so excited for you! Hopefully we can join you in Oregon in 2009!

Mason & Laura said...

I am so happy for you guys--I almost cried when Mason told me because I am so excited that it all worked out (haha, I know I'm a dork)!! I love how the Lord's plan for us is sometimes different than our own plan--and He definitely paves the way for things to work the way He wants! Anyway, congratulations!! I agree Jenny, Brandon you're da bomb!!

Cecily said...

Congratulations!!! That is so awesome!

Sharee Gariety said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Good job Brandon--you rock! We are so excited for you guys. You'll have to fill us in on the details soon--like when you'll be moving and everything. That is so great. Congratulations again! Love you guys.

Lauren said...

Congratulations! That is awesome! Hard work definitely pays off.

Melanie said...

that is so awesome! talk about being blessed! Thanks for the post on the kittens, they are very cute, I love them.
also I am so excited to see you next week!!! woot woot!
love you guys! tell Brandon congrats!

Sara said...

Wow how exciting!! You'll love Oregon. They have slightly better weather than Rexburg....hahaha. Congratulations and good luck this week with the baby!

Nawatha said...

Hey!!! We are sooooo proud of all of you. Brandon getting into Pacific is AWESOME!!! Can't wait to see you. Love the pictures. Jemma is really growing, as is Jennifer. LOL Talk to you soon. Love you lots. Pop and Gram

Trisha said...


Lauren said...

Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait for the pics!