Saturday, March 8, 2008

Weekend with Pop & Gram

Last thursday, Brandon's grandparents, Frank and Nawatha, or more affectionately termed, "Pop and Gram" came from Sunny California to visit our family in the frozen tundra! We have loved having them and Jemma will certainly miss all the attention when they go home.

Saturday night they took our family and my sister, Julianne and her husband Eric out to Wingers for dinner! Jemma's favorite part was the free popcorn they gave us to snack on while we waited for our dinner...even better than eating it herself, however, was feeding it to her dad!

Thanks so much for coming out to spend time with our family! We loved having you!


Trisha said...

Fun! I love having family visit! And I'm with Jemma, the best part is the FREE popcorn, can't beat that.

Brian, Natalie, Kyrie said...

How cute! I love the flower in Jemma's hair! That is way too cute. I agree with trisha, I love having family visit! So when are you coming to visit? ;)

Melanie said...
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Melanie said...

I posted earlier but made a ton of grammatical errors! haha, oops. well it looks like you guys had fun, wingers is great! and Jemma's hair is getting long...ger. she really is identical to you jen. she still looks like brandon though...but you guys kinda look alike too...hey I remember you telling me once that some lady thought you were brandons mom!!! that lady must of been on crack, speaking of people on crack remember when you and I went to the grocery store cuz you wanted some salt water taffy and some lady was came up to us all crying saying her boyfriend had left her at the store and she thought we looked really nice...ya that was crazy

Melanie said...

man I made grammatical errors in that one too!

Sharee Gariety said...

I love the flower in Jemma's hair, too. You guys are such a cute little family. How fun to have visitors. I love visitors too. I think my comment is sounding exactly like Natalie's. . . after you visit her, come visit me. We're both all alone in the world. Well, you know, without family close by. Okay, I love you and check out my blog because you haven't made a comment lately, and I have new stuff up, like pictures of the new house, which you specifically requested to see. :) love you.