Monday, August 27, 2012

1st Grader...and broken glass

Part 1:  1st Grader

Jemma started 1st grade on August 1st.  What a crazy day that was.  I am still getting used to the idea that she is primarily educated outside the home.  The house seems so quiet 8:00-3:30 and her brothers really miss her when she's gone.  If I'm completely honest, I am still adjusting...and having a harder time of it than I imagined I would.
She is, however, enjoying public school.  She's only mentioned a handful of times missing home and primarily talks about all the cool things she gets to do while she's gone.  She seems to be making friends...she mentions a boy by the name of Audi (I have NO idea how you would spell that...pronounced Odd-ee) frequently and has taken the time to clarify that he is a friend that is a boy, not her "boyfriend" (sigh of relief), and also that she really likes when he chases her on the playground (no sigh of relief).
Above:  Here she is with her brothers on the first day of school.
Below:  Here she is the 1st day she rode the bus...didn't even look back that day.  :(  She seems to really like riding the bus.  She just rides it to school cuz we get her home sooner if we just go pick her up.  ;)

Part 2:  Broken Glass

This has nothing to do with Jemma starting school.  A couple weeks ago, Brandon and I were awakened in the middle of the night (2am approximately) to what sounded like a distant gunshot...only it came from our a COMPLETE FREAK accident, one of our shower doors had completely shattered.  We have no idea how it happened.  Went to bed with a solid, in-tact shower door, and had it explode in the middle of the night.  Awesome.

That's a lot of glass.
I guess we can be grateful for the other two functioning showers in this house.


Unknown said...

What the heck?! Why on earth would a shower glass door suddenly burst like that? CRAZY!!

LOVE the pic of Jemma and the boys on her first day of school! Especially Gavin's face. :) He was crying so hard in nursery yesterday, poor guy. Those sad puppy brown eyes just get to me!

PS - Tell Jemma she was singing SO WELL in Primary yesterday!! I love your kids, Jen!

Irwin Zinkin said...

Odd that the shower door suddenly exploded, I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. I hope none of your kids got hurt or stepped on any of the glass! Their adorable!!

-Irwin Zinkin
Shower Doors Suffolk County

Melanie said...

I love how independent Jemma is, seriously I hope I have kids like her. Also that is crazy about the shattering shower glass?! That's so wierd! I wonder what caused it and I'm glad no one was showering when it happend! Yike!

Eric and Jewels said...

Dido Mel's comment on thankfully no one taking a shower when the glass decided to shatter, that could have been bad. And that is awesome that Jemma is such a brave little thing, I hope Lily is the same way when her time comes to go to school, I much prefer brave kids to clingy, whiney ones that are scared of too much ;) Love you lots!

Kristina said...

What is the world? You have the oddest things explode on you... your crockpot, now this. Wierd.
Jemma looks so old in that picture. Really, she's gotten so tall all of a sudden. Tell her to stop growing. I hope she's enjoying school.

Love(land) Conquers All said...

The kids are so adorable! The one of the first day of school, Carter looks just like Aaron! So crazy! Love to you all! This is Tiffany (Brandon's cousin)by the way, haha

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