Brandon had Fall Break last week - it ended up being almost the ENTIRE week - (he just had school Monday), and his Mom Tina, affectionately called Nina by the kids, decided to pay us a visit. We are so glad she came!!!
Here's a shot of Jemma ElAtEd because she's going to get Nina from the airport.
Drum roll please... the arrival of Nina!!!
We did a little hangin' out and relaxing - a little movie watching ("Phantom" and "The Wizard of Oz") and Brandon managed to get his mom down to the school to sit as a patient for him. What a good sport!
Here are the kids swinging on the bars you are technically supposed to stay in front of when looking down on the factory workers.
They were pretty infatuated with these cows...Jemma was especially intrigued by the utters...hmmm.

I thought I got a good shot of Jemma and her Nina behind one of those cardboard/plywood cut outs where you can stick your face through the opening...Jemma was the cow and Nina was the turns out the picture was blurry and the clear photo was actually a video...maybe I'll post the video later. :)
Thanks again for coming out to see us! We are always so glad to have you and so sad when it's time for you to go! (Jemma stood at the doorway after Brandon and his mom drove away, headed back to the airport, crying. :( She said, several times, "I miss my Nina! She's gonna miss me at her house." It's rough living so far from family, but we have been so blessed to see them as regularly as we do. We LOVE you! Thanks for visiting us!