Monday, August 11, 2008

What the?!?

So, for some odd reason, the server will not let me upload any pictures! So, for those who have been keeping tabs, we made it to Oregon, we got moved into our new little place (all 750 sq. ft. ... WOW!) and we are making friends and getting to know the area quickly. So I have no pics to show right now...that's my favorite part of looking at other people blogs...but I'll try again later. Thanks again to EVERYONE who assisted us in this move!


Sharee Gariety said...

Wow--750 square feet? That is very tiny. All these things shall be for your good, right? Well, I'm glad you're there safe. I may try to call you this afternoon when I get my kiddos down for sanity time. I mean quiet time. :)

Sharee Gariety said...

p.s. I don't know if I told you already, but I think your new family picture is darling.

Cecily said...

I'm glad to know you made it to Oregon!! Good luck with all the unpacking!

Haden's Family said...

I glad to hear that you made it there safely. Keep in touch!

Sharee Gariety said...

That stinks that you can't get any pictures downloaded! I'm dying to see your new place! p.s. got my hair cut today. (like, completely hacked off, actually.) will post a picture soon.