Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Reed's came to town!

We had Granddad and Grandma Reed with Aunt Heather and Uncle Austin come visit our family for the last five days. We barbequed, bowled, watched movies, went shopping, played with Jemma, held Carter, played with Jemma, changed Carter, played with Jemma and enjoyed Carter. :o)
Jemma at the park...Grandma Debbie was able to get this shot of her smiling on the swing because Uncle Austin was on the swing next to her making her laugh! Thanks Austin for helping us capture this "Kodak Moment".

Jemma loves slides! Whenever we drive by a park, she says "SLIDES!"

Grandma Debbie with Carter the Sunday we blessed him. The little sweater he's wearing was made by the wife of the dentist I work for. In fact, she has Angora rabbits that she harvests the fur from, makes into yarn, has dyed and then knits them into little keepsakes. How talented is that! I'm glad we recieved one of the benefits of her hobby/talent. He sure looked handsome!

Aunt Heather and Carter.

Just a cute shot of Jemma and Daddy on Sunday.

Granddad Reed and a sleepy Baby Carter.

Uncle Austin and Jemma on our walk to the park.

Thanks for coming to visit us!


Megan Marie said...

congrats! I know I'm a little late but congrats on little Carter and on Brandon's schooling! I hope Oregon is wonderful!

Cecily said...

I love it when family comes to visit! It's so nice. I can't believe that sweater and all the work the dentist's wife put into it! WOW! That's really impressive. He looks so handsome in it!

Sharee Gariety said...

Okay, Jemma and Carter look just exactly like siblings. And I love those pics of Jemma on the swing and with Brandon. Priceless. I can't believe Carter's little sweater was made with yard from the dentist's wife's angora rabbits! That's amazing. What a resourceful skill to have! Is it super soft?

Pilgrim Family said...

I can't believe how big jemma has gotten!! she is adorable, and so is new baby carter!