Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busted Nose

So, there have been some obvious differences between our children...Jemma is a girl, Carter is a boy, Jemma is emotional, Carter is temperamental (mostly when he's HUNGRY), Jemma likes to play, Carter likes to play rough, Jemma is outgoing and mostly uninhibited - she will say "hi" to anyone and has no fear of strangers, Carter is TOTALLY uninhibited...especially when it comes to climbing, but has a real issue with strangers, Jemma has many bumps and bruises on her legs, Carter has one HUGE bruise on his face.

Here is a picture of Carter with his nose still intact...before he decided to slam it into the back of our couch...

Here is a picture of Carter the morning after (mouth full of food)...still a little swollen and not too black and blue.

Here is picture from this morning. Less swollen, more black and blue.

I guess we should be grateful it's not broken...

p.s. If you think he looks fatter in the second two pics, it's cuz he is...he has definitely regained all the weight he lost (and then some) from being sick in Cali...solid boy.


Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

My goodness, Carter is the CUTEST little guy, busted nose or note. Nice work Jen!!

Sharee Gariety said...

That poor little guy and his busted nose. it's amazing how it can change the look of your face. Well, we've noticed boy and girls are different around here, too. I guess it more fun that way. :)

Eric and Jewels said...

He's still super cute busted nose and all.

The Payne Family said...

Poor little guy! Though he does carry it off amazingly well. I bet everyone wishes they could look that cute with a busted nose.

Travis and Heather said...

ahhhh daggummet carter. He and Ty would really get along. I love checking in with your family. Your summer has been one of adventure and twists and turns!! I am glad you have had such a good time with family. A few more weeks of vacation. enjoy.

Angela said...

Aww poor little guy! Still adorable though!