I was talking to my sister Sharee on the phone the other day and mentioned that I had become SO FAR behind on blogging that I didn't even want to do it anymore. There was just no way I was ever going to unburry myself from the ridiculous number of blog posts I had neatly sitting in files on the desktop. She, being a very wise sister, suggested I do a "speed entry" where-in I choose one picture from each outing from the past month+, post them, and call it good. So here goes.
Brandon's grandma came to visit us in August and was a trooper with these guys...even got on the trampoline with them. :)
During her visit, we spent a day at Stone Mountain. (Could've done a fully blown post with like 20+ pictures of this trip...but for the sake of catching up, I'll spare you all the nitty-gritty.) Suffice it to say, it was a super fun place and we could have easily spent more than just a day there. Jemma even did a full blown ropes course for the first time. Very cool place!
We visited Andersonville, an old Confederate prison. Very sobering experience. Again, I wish I were more on top of things so I could say more about this experience. Made me so sad for all the lives lost unnecessarily during war.
Spent a day at Six Flags with new friends, the Winward family. SO FUN!
The dads took the older kids on a rafting ride and they all came back drenched. Kinda glad I stayed behind with Gavin. ;)
Gavin has managed to acquire a few more facial injuries...we need to wrap that poor boy in bubble wrap and make him wear a helmet all. day. long.
Carter started Pre-K. (That's what they call preschool out here...but it's NOT preschool. They expect these little guys to be reading by the end of the year. Whatever. That is SO not a priority for me.) We finally found a school that wasn't ALL DAY. I know! Is that not the weirdest thing ever??? All day pre-k??? I cried the first day I dropped him off and he's still adjusting to leaving home for 3 hours each day, but I'd say it's all for the best. Otherwise all day kindergarten would come as a real shock for this homebody!
Carter and Jemma in school each morning has given me some much needed one-on-one time with this little tyke who I am realizing is not so little anymore. :( He is such a happy, easy-going kid. SO FUN! He will do anything with me. Yard work, projects, errands, baking, you name it, he's down. And if he gets bored, he just snags a bin of toys and plays contently while I finish up whatever needs finishing.
I might have to do one more of these "speed entries" to get me current, but that gets us through the middle of September for now.
I'm feeling better already! :)